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Articles II and III from Order 56/July 19, 2013 of ANRE

In accordance with the provisions of articles II and III from Order 56/July 19, 2013 of ANRE with respect to amending and adding the Regulation of green certificates issuance, published in the Official Gazette no. 472/July 30, 2013, we inform the economic operators generating energy from renewable sources that the \'TSO procedure of green certificates issuance to be granted to licensed economic operators for electricity generated from renewable sources\' has been transmitted under no. 23612/05.08.2013 to ANRE for endoresement and has been registered by ANRE under no. 39794/06.08.2013. The issuance of green certificates for July 2013 will be resumed only when ANRE has endorsed the TSO procedure.
Please feel free to get in touch with us for any other questions.  

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