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CNTEE Transelectrica SA requests standpoints from cross border capacity allocation market participants regarding the 2016 Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules (RO-BG) Draft, between Transelectrica and ESO

CNTEE Transelectrica SA requests participants on the cross border capacity allocation market to submit their standpoints on the 2016 Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules (RO-BG) DRAFT, between Transelectrica and ESO.
As major modifications to the Auction Rules in order we state the implementation of Bank Guarantees for participants, their submission to the TSO being necessary to be admitted to participate in the yearly and monthly auctions, and the implementation of the UIOSI principle ("Use It Or Sell It"), by which the auction participants will be remunerated by the TSO for their non-nominated capacities. These modifications are in rule with the Harmonised Auction Rules (HAR - part of the Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation), elaborated by ENTSO-E.
The proposals must be sent to the email address: [email protected], as a PDF file signed by the authorised representatives and also, in editable format (WORD), until the 31st of July 2015.

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