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The National Power Grid Co. Transelectrica SA supports the investments in the Romanian energy sector - a pillar of sustainable development with particular potential at national and regional level, a traditional centre of excellence of Romania's scientific & engineering research, an area of excellent opportunities to implement partnerships between Romanian companies and foreign investors. Its development plans of over 1 billion euro directly depend on investments in the entire Romanian energy sector, Transelectrica being prepared to play an active role in the region.


The NPG Co. Transelectrica SA assumed officially and made public its commitment in this respect by its 2014-2017 administration plan, approved by the Shareholders' General Assembly with 80% votes of its current share capital.


The NPG Co. Transelectrica SA is connected to the European reality and trends in the energy domain playing an active role in the debates on technical and economic solutions for European economic re-launch, especially in central and south-eastern Europe by facilitating access to the national electricity transmission grid at small prices for industrial customers and distribution operators.


The NPG Co. Transelectrica SA is concerned with capitalising Romania's energy potential in the European context and will make significant investments into the electricity transmission system in order to take over and transmit the whole amount of electricity supplied by existing generating capacities and any new ones.

In this context Mrs. Carmen Greorgeta Neagu, Supervisory Board member in the NPG Co. Transelectrica SA, speaker to the Romanian Hydro Power Energy Summit Conference 2014 has stated today "The actual available amount of power generating capacities should be assessed in order to provide correct signal to investors. For the time being data might show no new capacities are needed, which is not true. ... As regards big projects, decisions should be fast enough to maintain project feasibility. With 25 years' experience in the energy sector and investors' review one can realise some project whose execution decision exceeds 10 years becomes unfeasible. In the regional European context the Tarnita project can be assigned to the mutual interest projects but decision should be expedited in order to promote it and efforts should be correlated to structure the best business model". 

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Contact Office Image and Relationship with the media: 021/30 35 826

Press Releases

Title Date citeste
PRESS NOTIFICATION 03-12-2012 Read all
Regional reunion of great electricity networks CIGRE in Sibiu 10-10-2012 Read all
Regional reunion of great electricity networks CIGRE in Sibiu 10-10-2012 Read all
On May 3rd, 2012 Co. Transelectrica - Transmission and System Operator of Romania commissioned its 80th transmission substation, namely the 400/110 kV Rahman 07-05-2012 Read all
PRESS NOTIFICATION 26-02-2012 Read all
Romania formally expressed the interest to join the project for coupling the Czech, Slovak and Hungarian electricity markets 20-12-2011 Read all
Transelectrica is initiating a new project to increase the interconnection capacity between Romania and Serbia - the 400 kV double circuit OHL Resita–Panchevo 31-10-2011 Read all
Transelectrica is celebrating five years since the first transacting day of the shares that the Company issued on the regulated market 06-09-2011 Read all
The managerial team of Transelectrica received a visit of Company Moldelectrica from the Republic of Moldova 28-08-2011 Read all
Transelectrica has received the visit of the friendship parliamentary group Sweden - Romania 23-05-2011 Read all
Transelectrica has officially inaugurated the 400 kV substation Tariverde from Constanta County 18-05-2011 Read all
Mr. HORIA HAHAIANU is the new Director General of Transelectrica 11-05-2011 Read all
The international Symposium Protection of the critical power infrastructure - Energy-communications inter-dependencies and dependencies. 18-04-2011 Read all
The director general of Transelectrica, Mr. Stelian Alexandru Gal participated to the bilateral meeting of companies Ukrenergo and Transelectrica 28-02-2011 Read all
The director general of Transelectrica, Stelian Alexandru Gal, has participated to the 21st meeting of the members from ENTSO-E Steering Committee 31-01-2011 Read all
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