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Transelectrica deals with an offending incident attempting to the security of the National Power System

    On 24 April 2013 the supporting elements (anchoring blocks and keys) were subtracted from three 750 kV towers of the Stupina-Varna electric line. The theft of these elements resulted in the three towers falling down and the line going out of operation. The Stupina-Varna is an interconnection line between Romania and Bulgaria and it provides power discharge from the area. The materials that were taken away amount to 1000 - 2000 Lei, but the actual damage incurred by the National Power Grid Co. Transelectrica SA (repair expenses, re-starting the line, replacing the three fallen towers) amount to about 500,000 Euros, to which damages are added that have to be paid to the owners of cultivated agricultural lands where interventions are needed to remedy the failure. The intervention teams of Transelectrica and SMART hurried along to the incident place in order to ascertain the damage and organise towers replacement. We estimate that the 400 kV (750 kV) line Stupina-Varna will restart operating in about one month. The persons guilty of this incident have not been identified yet. For the time being no consumers have been impacted.
      Subtracting elements from the electricity transmission networks, apparently of little significance, can lead to major defects in electricity transmission activities, thus endangering the safe operation of the National Power System, the national economy but also people's lives, stated Mr. Stefan GHEORGHE, Executive Director General of Transelectrica. The 400 kV (750 kV) line Stupina-Varna belongs to the State public domain and it is administered by Transelectrica through its Transmission Branch Constanta. We can see a repetitive pattern in the theft of component elements from electricity transmission lines, although the Criminal Code provides such theft with 4-18 years' imprisonment. We address again the competent State authorities at local level to step in and find out the offenders and punish them accordingly. In the last five years Transelectrica registered similar incidents when components were subtracted from towers and electricity transmission lines, incurring damages amounting to 2,500,000 Lei.

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