Editor de Bunuri

Transelectrica SA requires the participants to Romanian electricity market to submit their proposals concerning the improvement of the current rules for the allocation of interconnection capacity with TSO’s from neighboring countries - Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria.

Transelectrica SA requires the participants to Romanian electricity market to submit their proposals concerning the improvement of the current rules for the allocation of interconnection capacity with TSO's from neighboring countries - Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria.

Agreements, allocation rules and the operating procedure TEL – 01.06 revision 5 are posted on the website http://www.transelectrica.ro/web/tel/piata-de-alocari. In addition, the document "Harmonized Allocation Rules", developed by ENTSO – E, is subject to public consultation at the following link https://www.entsoe.eu/news events/announcements/announcements-archive/Pages/News/Consultation-on-the-Harmonised-Allocation-Rules.aspx.


Transelectrica also requires the market participant's view on reserving a percentage of the monthly Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) for allocation on the Day-Ahead Market within the coupled market RO-HU-CZ-SK.

The proposals will be sent to [email protected] as PDF files signed by authorized representatives and in editable format (WORD) until April 10, 2015.

Editor de Bunuri

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