Asset Publisher

5. Required Transparency of capacity Auction and Use Data

- CM = Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003;
- GGP = Guidelines of Good Practice on Information Management and Transparency in Electricity Markets Ref: E05-EMK-06-10 2 August 2006
- CC =  Electricity Wholesale Market Commercial Code - No. 25/22.10.2004
- ANRE MM = The Methodology of Wholesale Electricity Market Monitoring for Assessing the Competition Level on Market and Preventing the Abuse of Dominant Position. (revision no.1) – A.N.R.E Code.: 35.2.407.0.01.07/12/2006


No Information Details File Observations
1 Relevant information for Capacity Allocation Market participants
CM Annex 5.3
- registration
- auction guide
- withdrawal, revocation, suspension
- obligations and rights of both the TSOs and the party obtaining the capacity, including the liabilities that accrue upon failure to honor obligations
- Framework contract
- Operational Procedure
- Auction's Information
2 Details on TTC, TRM, NTC, AAC and ATC for each capacity allocation session
CM Annex 5.5 e)
GGP 2.7, 2.9
CC a), a)
- per each auction period, direction (import or export), border, in hourly resolution (for daily/intra-day auction) NTC annual and monthly values
Annual and monthly auctions organized by Transelectrica
Annual and monthly auctions organized by JAO
Link JAO
Daily auctions organized by Transelectrica
Link Transelectrica/Damas.
Intraday auctions organized by Transelectrica
Link Transelectrica/Damas.
Daily auctions organized by EMS
Link EMS
Daily shadow auction
Mavir Link
3 Remaining capacity after any market closing
CM Annex 5.5 e)
CC 15.31.3 a), a)
- per each auction period, each direction (import or export), border, in hourly resolution (for daily/intra-day auction) Annual and monthly auctions organized by Transelectrica
Annual and Monthly auctions Bulgaria
Annual and Monthly auctions Hungary
Daily and Intraday auctions organized by Transelectrica
Link Damas
Daily auctions Hungary 2010 - 2011
Daily auctions Serbia 2013
Link EMS
Daily auction Bulgaria 2015
Daily shadow auction
Mavir Link
4 Total volume of offers submitted by market participants, capacity allocated to market participants, the auction price and winners names
CM Annex 5.5 f)
GGP 2.9
CC b), c)
- per each auction period, each direction (import or export), border, in hourly resolution (for daily/intra-day auction) Annual and monthly auctions organized by Transelectrica
Annual and Monthly auctions Bulgaria
Annual and Monthly auctions Hungary
Daily and Intraday auctions organized by Transelectrica
Link Damas
Daily auctions Hungary 2010 - 2011
Daily auctions Serbia 2013
Link EMS
Daily auctions Bulgaria 2015
Daily shadow auction
Mavir link
5 ATC for next day in case of implicit auctions per border between bidding areas / control areas - hourly values There are no implicit auctions
6 Remaining ATC for next day, after the implicit auctions, per border between bidding areas / control areas - hourly values There are no implicit auctions
There are no implicit auctions
7 Total capacity nominated
CM Annex 5.5 g)
CC c), c), d),,
- aggregated values of capacity nominated by market players on each border, per market time unit, (export, import, balance) - Daily Reports - Balancing market
- exchange balance of the National Power System, daily average value Raport Operativ SEN
Anii anteriori se pot vizualiza la Capitolul Consum de energie electrică punctul 1
8 Physical flows on the interconnections
GGP 2.15
- import/export and balance
- per market time unit
- in real time System status
9 Congestion income after each auctione
GGP 2.13
- per each auction period, each direction (import or export),border, in hourly resolution (for daily/intra-day auction)
- Incomes will be pubilshed when they exist
Annual and monthly auctions organized by Transelectrica
Annual and Monthly auctions Bulgaria
Annual and Monthly auctions Hungary
Daily and Intraday auctions organized by Transelectrica
Daily auctions Hungary 2010 - 2011
Daily auctions Serbia 2013
Link EMS
Daily auctions Serbia 2013
Link EMS
10 Description of reasons of any TSO's refusal to accept a capacity transaction on the secondary market (capacity transfer)
Anexa CM 2.12
Daily auctions Serbia 2013
Link EMS
11 Synthesis of data resulting from monitoring the Capacity Allocation Market
(ANRE MM Art.68 )
- general observation
- for each auction period, for each border and direction: auction price, TTC, NTC, ATC, requested capacity, allocated capacity, final allocated capacity, number of participants, specific indicators (C1, C3, HHI), usage of the allocated capacity
Monthly Monitoring Report for Capacity Allocation Market