Asset Publisher
Investment strategy
One of the core goals of CNTEE "Transelectrica" - SA is the continuous strengthening and development of the power transmission infrastructure by modernizing it based on the most efficient technologies which provides the required conditions to comply with the existing and prospective market conditions.
a) In order to carry out the requirements stipulated in the technical and operational regulations of the RPS and ENTSO-E, Transelectrica has initiated a wide scale modernisation - development programme thoroughly grounded in technical and economic terms, using the following strategic documents:
- PTG development plan on long term 2002 -2012;
- PTG prospective plan for 2004 - 2008 and for 2013 as a guideline;
- PTG prospective plan for 2006 – 2010 and for 2016 as a guideline;
- PTG prospective plan for 2008 – 2012 and for 2017 as a guideline.
b) The Company's Business Plan for 2001 – 2010 (which has been successively reviewed for the periods 2004 -2013, 2006-2016 and 2008 – 2017).
On this grounds, the annual investment plans are developed and approved, which creates the conditions for meeting the requirements on PTG development and strengthening as well as on its reliable operation.
Transelectrica's strategic directions in the investment sector
- Construction and development of the electricity market infrastructure
- Modernizing and retrofitting the power substation within the PTG;
- Closing the 400 kV national power ring and constructing the 400 kV metropolitan ring of Bucharest;
- Extending the capacities of interconnection with the neighboring countries;
- Integration in the PTG of the units 3 and 3 of the NPP Cernavoda and of the new wind farms;
- Integration in the PTG of the Pumping Storage Hydro Power Plant Tarnita –Lapusesti