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Electricity transmission service
Transelectrica SA is the only operator providing the services of electricity transmission, operational technical management of the Romanian Power System and electricity market administration (by means of its legal personality subsidiary OPCOM SA), such domains being considered as a natural monopoly under the law. This service consists mainly in providing the transmission of active electricity between two or more points of the transmission grid belonging to the RPS, while observing the continuity, safety and quality norms.
The transmission service is a public one according to the transmission and dispatching licence no.161/2000, and the Company has to provide it under non-discriminating conditions for all grid users.
All license holders that input and respectively take out electricity into / from National Energy System, including for their import/export activities, are the end-users of the electricity transmission service. The transmission service that Transelectrica performs means providing the technical conditions and keeping the operational parameters of the transmission grid when electricity is input in/taken out from it.