Editor de Bunuri

Announcement regarding article no 2 of the ANRE Order no 76/2017

We would like to inform you that CNTEE Transelectrica S.A. analized the comments received to the proposed template for applying Article 2 of ANRE Order no. 76/2017 (link anunt din 09.11.2017 https://www.transelectrica.ro/-/anunt-cu-privire-la-punerea-in-aplicare-a-articolului-2-din-ordinul-anre-nr-76-2017), all the comments being available at this location. The final template, the convertor .xls - .xml as well as details of a simplified procedure for sending/uploading requested information will be available on the website www.transelectrica.ro at a later stage


Editor de Bunuri

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