Asset Publisher
Registration in Cross Border Capacity Allocation Auctions
Allocation Office Contact:
0040 (0) 21 303 5963
0040 (0) 21 303 5807
Registration of participants
The registration procedure and all required documents for cross-border capacity auctions organised by neighbouring TSOs are published on their websites. In order to participate in cross-border capacity auctions organized by TRANSELECTRICA, applicants have to register as a Registered Participant and to conclude a Cross Border Allocation Contract with TRANSELECTRICA, according to the Allocation Rules or to the Procedure.
The cross border allocation contract will allow the registered participant to participate in all capacity allocation auctions organized by TRANSELECTRICA for an indefinite period of time, after being signed by both Parties.
Documents needed to conclude a Cross Border Allocation Contract:
Official address with the request of participating in cross border capacity auctions, addressed to Mr. Gheorghe Vișan - Energy Markets Director
Copy of the company's excerpt from the National Chamber of Commerce
Copy of the company's fiscal certificate
Bank references - IBAN code and name of the bank
EIC Code.
- He is a business company operating and incorporated under the law and is not subject to bankruptcy or clearance proceedings;
- He knows and respects fully and unreservedly the applicable Allocation Rules, published on TRANSELECTRICA's website and on the websites of the neigbouring TSOs;
- There are no court or other proceedings against him in progress that would prevent the fulfilment of the conditions set out in the Allocation Rules;
- The representative(s) who sign(s) the Registration Form have(s) all legal authorisations or from other organisations, being able to assume all obligations arising from participation;
- He does not have any outstanding debts in relation with TRANSELECTRICA or with the neighbouring TSOs.