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The managerial team of Transelectrica received a visit of Company Moldelectrica from the Republic of Moldova

      Bucharest, July 28th, 2011- The managerial team of Transelectrica received a visit of Company Moldelectrica from the Republic of Moldova. The representatives of the delegation from the Republic of Moldova have been- Mr. Victor Moraru, Ambassador of Special Missions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Mr. Mihai Dolma, Director of Gasification and Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Economy, Mr. Valentin Lesnic, Director, Division of Electric Power and Cooperation of Power Systems, Ministry of Economy, and Mr. Veaceslav Zastavnetchi, Deputy Director General of Co. Moldelectrica.
      The representatives of the delegation from the Republic of Moldova have been- Mr. Victor Moraru, Ambassador of Special Missions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Mr. Mihai Dolma, Director of Gasification and Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Economy, Mr. Valentin Lesnic, Director, Division of Electric Power and Cooperation of Power Systems, Ministry of Economy, and Mr. Veaceslav Zastavnetchi, Deputy Director General of Co. Moldelectrica. This meeting has been also attended by representatives from the Ministry of Economy and Business Environment, of the Romanian Agency for Sustainable Development of Industrial Regions and of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism.
      The meeting agenda has included: -Determining the coordinates of the Prut River crossing of the 110 kV OHL Falciu-Gotesti; -The Suceava-Balti OHL project - It was agreed to begin the feasibility studies for this very important project in view of interconnecting the Republic of Moldova to ENTSO-E; -The possible interconnection of the optical fibre networks from the two countries ; -Considering the stage of the interconnection study to ENTSO-E of the Republic of Moldova;
      The projects debated at today?s meeting are particularly significant both for Romania and for the Republic of Moldova with a view to develop the bilateral relations and get the integration of Company Moldelectrica to ENTSO-E, has stated Mr. Horia Hahaianu, Director General of Transelectrica. Transelectrica is Romania?s transmission and system operator that manages, operates, maintains, modernises and develops the transmission grid comprising 78 transformer electric substations of about 35,000 MVA, as well as 9,028 km of 110/220, 400kV and 750 kV overhead lines, managed by 8 transmission branches.

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