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The managerial teams of Transgaz and Transelectrica met with the European commissioner of energy

Led by the chairman of Transgaz' Board of Administration, Mr. Ion Sterian, the delegation consisting of the CEO-s of Transelectrica and Transgaz, Stefan Bucataru and Petru Vaduva, as well as Carmen Neagu, Supervisory Board member of Transelectrica met Thursday in Brussels Günther Oettinger, European commissioner of energy, for discussions on the activities of the two state-owned energy companies.

Discussions aimed at the objectives of Transelectrica and Transgaz in the context of- ‘Europe 2020' growth strategy, the integration of the European power market, energy security, development and challenges of the local and regional markets. Discussion topics were also the companies' investment priorities in the Romanian power infrastructure, the need to integrate transmission systems with neighbouring countries and the European Union's support to initiate and implement such programmes.

The commissioner was interested in this visit and during discussions he expressed his appreciation for the pro-active approach of the two companies' management in view of upgrading the gas and electricity infrastructures; he mentioned the importance of such projects since "Romania has got immense potential to become important partner and transit node for the pan European gas and electricity market". 

Transelectrica is the operator of the National Electricity Market and Transgaz- operator of the national gas market .

Asset Publisher

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