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On 09.02.2014 at 08:46 h the 400 kV OHL Tulcea Vest – Tariverde tripped. The Romanian Power System (RPS) operation was not disturbed because of Transelectrica's protection systems running efficiently and of the measures taken in due time by the National Power Dispatcher.

After the inspection conducted with teams consisting of Transelectrica representatives and police forces the incident cause could be detected - anchoring elements were stolen from towers, law infringement of high social danger that led to 3 towers falling and 4 others being deteriorated (also in danger of falling). The active and protection conductors were also deteriorated as well as other line elements along about 3 km.

Police forces initiated inquiry as well as other State institutions in order to identify and apprehend the perpetrators but also all the persons that accept some benefit from such law violating activities.

Until the defect is remedied and the 400 kV OHL Tulcea Vest – Tariverde is made available again, the wind power farms' operation might be restricted in Dobrogea region in case of need with a view to maintain the safe operation of the RPS, to the extent in which the electricity output of the parks should be limited. The estimated level of such restrictions is moderate compared to the output schedule notified by wind farms.

The National Power Grid Co. Transelectrica SA is making intense efforts to put back in operation the 400 kV OHL Tulcea Vest – Tariverde in the shortest possible time interval.

The NPG Co. Transelectrica SA warns that the anchoring elements theft is one of the most serious patrimonial offence, a serious attempt to the public safety and property by the amount of the prejudice caused (fallen & deteriorated towers; damaged active conductors; electricity that could not be taken into the RPS). Under such circumstances Transelectrica expresses its confidence the police forces and local public administration representatives will take successful measures to prevent such actions, as it desires to prevent the end-users of electricity transmission services paying the damage caused.

Transelectrica Directorate


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