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4M Market Coupling Go-live planned for 11 November 2014

The 4M Market Coupling (4M MC) Project Steering Committee confirmed on its meeting held on 2 April 2014 that the day-ahead electricity markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania are expected to be coupled from the trading day 11 November 2014 (delivery day 12 November 2014). The 4M MC solutions, currently under implementation, are aiming to be compatible with the recently launched NWE Market Coupling (e.g. PCR solution, max/min market prices, tick size, etc.) with a gate closure time kept at 11h00 CET according to the national regulatory authorities' decision.  

Based on the project progress, the Steering Committee set further major milestones that will drive the 4M MC Project in the near future. The project parties commit to reconfirm the go-live date during August, when a significant part of implementation should have been finished. Coordinated national workshops for market participants are expected to take place in September to present the final market arrangements and provide information on member tests. In the meanwhile, information campaigns introducing new trading procedures and features of the PCR solution will be organized on the local level.  

The project parties will inform regularly about further progress of the 4M MC Project.

Press Release

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