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Summary of the public consultation regarding the improvement of the current Allocation Rules with the neighbouring TSOs (Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria)

 After the public consultation regarding the improvement of the current Allocation Rules with the neighbouring TSOs (Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria), organised by CNTEE Transelectrica SA, it was concluded alongside ANRE, that a percent of the monthly ATC shall be reserved to be allocated in the daily auctions, as well as implementing the UIOSI principle ("Use It Or Sell It")
CNTEE Transelectrica SA initiated talks neighbouring TSOs with their current status as being: 
- the Hungarian TSO discussed the proposal with their National Reglementation Authority, and it will be subject to a public consultation;
- the Bulgarian TSO accepted it, it will be discussed with their National Reglementation Authority, and implemented from next year;
- talks are still  being held with the Serbian TSO.

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