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Romania formally expressed the interest to join the project for coupling the Czech, Slovak and Hungarian electricity markets

       The Steering Group of the CZ-SK-HU Market Coupling Project approved, in 14th December 2011, the Letter of Intent by which the Romanian Transmission System Operator (CNTEE Transelectrica SA), the Power Market Operator (SC OPCOM SA) and the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) formalised their intention to join the project, in compliance with the provisions of the „Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Leading to Creating a Functional, Interconnected and Integrated European Internal Electricity Market" concluded between Czech, Slovak and Hungarian Transmission System Operators (ČEPS, SEPS, MAVIR), Power Exchanges (OTE, OKTE, HUPX) and National Regulatory Authorities (ERU, URSO, MEH). The Romanian stakeholders approach is in line with the overall efforts committed at the EU Member States level following the decision of the European Union Council (4th February 2011) setting 2014 as deadline for establishing a fully operational pan-European electricity market.
      Reaffirming the firm commitment to comply with the related European legislation and assuming the same ambitious goal, Romania carefully witnessed the evolutions registered by the regional projects under development and decided, following an analysis and assessment process deployed within an working group established at national level and consisting in representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE, the Romanian Power Grid Company - CNTEE Transelectrica SA and the Romanian Power Market Operator - SC OPCOM SA, to formally express the interest on joining the project for coupling the electricity markets of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary. In the following period, the launch of discussions between the involved stakeholders of Romania and of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary is foreseen, for intensifying the cooperation and harmonizing the integration processes of the electricity markets of the four countries.

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