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The National Power Grid Co. Transelectrica SA began developing the ‘Studies on the new 400 kV double circuit overhead line (OHL) between the existent substations Smardan and Gutinas’ with the help of structural instruments

The National Power Grid Company Transelectrica SA, seated in Bucharest 3, Str. Olteni no. 2-4, postal code 030786 has developed since 01.04.2011 the project ‘Studies on the new 400 kV double circuit overhead line (OHL) between the existent substations Smardan and Gutinas', co-financed by the European Union, under the programme granting financial assistance for joint interest activities in the domain of trans-European energy grids (TEN-E), based on the European Commission Decision of 9.8.2012.

The project amounts in total to 790,424 Euros, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance is maximum 395,212 Euros, respectively 1,682,575 RON at the average exchange rate of 4.2574 RON/Euro, the official course from the info Europe site for February 2011.


The project aims at analysing the opportunity and need to build a new 400 kV line between the existent substations Smardan and Gutinas in accordance with ENTSO-E requirements, with the conclusions of other analyses conducted for the eastern part of the Romanian Power System (RPS) and taking into account the connection of installed capacities from renewable or conventional sources to the RPS. The studies will last 37 months.

Transelectrica is Romania's Transmission and System Operator that manages, operates, maintains, modernises and develops the transmission grid consisting of 81 transformer substations with about 37,794 MVA capacity and 8,759.4 km of overhead lines at 110/220 kV, 400 kV and 750 kV levels, managed by 8 transmission branches.  

Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Additional details can be obtained from:

Contact person: Mrs.Iulia Doina Simionescu Panait

Position: Specialist in European Funds Access

Phone: 004 021303 5735, Fax:021 3035660, e-mail: [email protected] 

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