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UPDATE Workshop "4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market

As a Project Members of the 4M Market Coupling, Romanian National Energy Regulatory Authority - ANRE, Romanian Transmission Operator - Transelectrica SA and Romanian Gas and Electricity Market Operator - OPCOM are organizing for participants of the coupled market the workshop "4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market" on September 25, 2014 (10:00 - 17:00).

The main topics are:

- Introducing of the project 4M MC and impact on the market participants (MPs);

- Foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market.

Place: Bucharest, Place of Parliament, "C.A. Rosetti" Hall

The acces will be via Str. Izvor 2-4, entry A3S2 from Izvor Park


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