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EIC Codes Allocation

EIC Code (Energy Identification Coding) is a unique code granted to the producers and suppliers of electricity. This code is assigned by the Local Issuing Office (LIO) through ENTSO-E organization (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity). From 2005 C.N.T.E.E Transelectrica S.A. is registered as Local Issuing Office for electricity, for Romania.

EIC Reference Manual (ENTSO-E)

Application for EIC codes allocation:

To obtain the EIC code you should follow the next steps:

- Completion of EIC code standard application form (EIC code allocation form);

- Submission of the EIC code standard application form by fax to +40 21 303 5630;

- Receiving from the Local Issuing Office, by fax, of the EIC code allocation form with EIC code completed;

- Verification of EIC code existence on the following EIC code lists:

List of EIC codes issued by LIO Romania, for parties;

List of EIC codes for dispatchable generation units;

List of EIC codes used in ENTSO-E.

For any problems you should call to the Local Issuing Office of EIC codes (telephone: +40 21 303 5854).

For any changes in the original application form data (entity name, address, VAT code and other changes) you should resend the EIC code allocation form with the new data completed.