Asset Publisher
Transelectrica was founded by the Government Ordinance No. 627/July, 31, 2000 further to unbundling the former Romanian Electricity Authority (CONEL) into four independent entities: Transelectrica, Electrica, Hidroelectrica and Termoelectrica – for electricity transmission and dispatching, distribution and hydro &thermal generation.
Thus, the transmission and system services were completely separated from the generation, distribution and supply activities. From the technical viewpoint, the electric power system remained unitary, managed by a unique operator – Transelectrica.
The shares, August 29, 2006 is listed to the Bucharest Stock Exchange. More details in the button "Investors and Financial reports ".
Transelectrica operates according to the provisions of the Electricity Law and the secondary legislation, particularly the Transmission and System Operator Licenses, the Transmission grid Code, Electricity market Commercial Code and the Metering Code.