Asset Publisher

Major investment projects

Vector  1 -  Construction and development of the electricity market infrastructure
Completed projects
Retrofitting and modernizing the power  transmission system – dispatch – a project approved  based on the GD no.1149/2000, initiated in  2001 and finalized  in 2007, totally amounting to USD  227 M. co-financed by EBRD, EBI and  PHARE, having the following components:
- FO telecommunication system  (4,700 km  OPGW on the OHL and  170 km - urban);
- acquisition of a  7 AT 200 MVA, 220/110 kV, 3 AT 400 MVA, 400/220 kV and shunt reactor of  400 MVAr;
- new  EMS/SCADA systems at central and local level;
- metering system for the wholesale electricity market;
- hard and  software for the electricity market operator  OPCOM.
Construction and development of the new balancing market  and the new platform  for the electricity market  and the regional market (power exchange ) - OPCOM, with financing from the Word Bank; achieved in-between  2004 – 2008.
Underway projects Platform of the Balancing Market, second stage: a project initiated in  2008, with the deadline in 2010.


Vector  2 -  Modernizing and retrofitting the power substations within the PTG ; new substations
Completed projects

Portile de Fier I - 400/220 kV;
Tantareni - 400 kV;
Urechesti - 400 kV;
Oradea Sud - 110 kV;
Constanta Nord - 400/110 kV;
Arad - 400 kV (new substation);
Oradea Sud - 400 kV (new substation);
Slatina - 400/220 kV;
Rosiori 400/220 kV;
Gutinas - 400/220 kV;
Fantanele -110 kV;
Brazi Vest - 400/220 kV;
Bucuresti Sud - 400/220 kV;
Fundeni - 220/110 kV;
Paroseni - 220 kV;
Sibiu Sud - 400/220/110 kV;
Iernut - 400/220/110 kV;
Nadab 400 kV (new substation);

Underway projects  Gutinas -110 kV;
Bucuresti Sud -110/10 kV;
Cernavoda - 400 kV;
Isalnita - 220/110 kV;
Gura Ialomitei - 400/110/20 kV;
Gadalin - 400 kV;
Lacu Sarat - 400/220/110/20 kV;
Mintia - 220/110 kV;
Modernizing the Control and protections systems  in 11 substations;
Replacing AT  and transformer in power substations;
Integrated security systems for substations and  power branches offices, NDC and  TDCs;
Projects under preparation/ design Ostrovu Mare - 220 kV (new substation);
Cetate - 220 kV ;
Barbosi - 220/110 kV;
Suceava -110 kV and  20 kV;
Brasov - 400/110 kV;
Tulcea Vest - 400/110/20 kV;
Turnu Severin Est - 220/110 kV;
Campia Turzii - 220/110 kV,
Domnesti 400/110kV,
Bradu 400/220/110/20kV
Prospective projects Resita - 220/110 kV;
Craiova Nord - 220/110 kV;
Timisoara - 220/110 kV;
Arad -110 kV;
Pelicanu 440/110 kV;
Bacau Sud - 110 kV;
Roman Nord - 110 kV;
Filesti - 220 kV;
Isaccea - 400 kV;
Smardan - 400/110 kV;
Alba Iulia 220/110 kV;
Gradiste - 220/110 kV;
Medgidia Sud - 400/110 kV


Vector 3 – Closing the  400 kV national power ring and constructing  the 400 kV  metropolitan ring of Bucharest city
Completed projects Converting the axis  Gutinas, Bacau Sud - Roman Nord - Suceava to  400 kV;
400 kV OHL Arad - Nadab (new OHL);
400 kV OHL Nadab - Oradea Sud, within 400 kV OHL (of interconnection) Oradea - Bekescsaba (Hungary)
Projects under preparation/ design  Converting the axis  Portile de Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad; LEA 400 kV Gadalin - Suceava (new OHL) to 400 kV
Prospective projects 400 kV OHL Bucuresti Sud - Grazavesti (new line);
400 kV OHL  Domnesti -Grozavesti (new line);
Grozavesti - 400 kV (new substation)
Vector 4 – Enhancing the interconnections with the neighboring countries
Completed projects 400 kV OHL Nadab - Bekescsaba (Hungary), within  the  400 kV OHL Oradea - Bekescsaba  (2008)
Projects under preparation/ design  400 kV OHL of interconnection  Romania - Serbia;
 400 kV OHL Suceava - Balti (Republic of  Moldova);
Submarine cable  (HVDC Link 400 kV) Romania – Turkey 
Vector 5 – Integration in PTG of the Units 3 and 4 of the NPP  Cernavoda and of the new wind farms
Projects under preparation 400kV OHL Cernavoda – Gura Ialomitei – Stalpu, extending the substation  Cernavoda, extending the  400kV substation Gura Ialomitei, the 400kV substation Stalpu (new substation)
Connection in the 400kV substation  Medgidia Sud of the OHL  Isaccea – Varna and  OHL  Isaccea Dobrudja
Prospective projects DC OHL  Smardan – Gutinas,
Converting the OHL  Brazi Vest – Teleajen – Stalpu to 400 kV
400kV OHL Constanta - Medgidia
Vector 6 – Construction of the Pumping Storage Hydropower Plant  Tarnita - Lapusesti
Prospective projects Tarnita - 400 kV (new substation);
400 kV OHL DC  Tarnita - Mintia (new line);
400 kV OHL DC Tarnita - Gadalin (new line)