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C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A. was established in accordance with Government Ordinance no. 627/31 July 2000, following the separation of the former Compania Nationala de Electricitate (CONEL) into four independent entities - Transelectrica, Electrica, Hidroelectrica and Termoelectrica – for the transportation, dispatching, distribution and production of electricity. 

According to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 109/2011 concerning the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises, the Department for Privatization and State Equity Administration (DPAPS) selected the association formed by the Quest Advisors S.R.L. and Transearch International S.R.L. companies in order to assist the public supervisory authority in the process of recruitment of two members for the Board of Supervisors of C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A.

Responsibilities of the members of the Board of Supervisors

The list of responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors may be found in the company's Articles of Incorporation, Law no. 31/1990 and G.E.O. no. 109/2011.

Within the process of recruitment and selection of the members of the Board of Supervisors, applications may be submitted by Romanian or foreign natural persons or legal entities registered in Romania or other countries, with experience in the administration/management of public enterprises or of companies operating in the activity area of the public enterprise.

Recruitment and selection criteria that must be cumulatively met:

1.      Natural persons shall be fully capable and in good health;

2.      University graduate with a Batchelor's Degree;

3.      Knowledge of Romanian;

4.      Minimum 10 years of professional experience, at least 5 of which must be in administration/management/coordination positions in companies with a turnover above 100 million euros or 1000 employees or playing a key-role in projects with a minimum value of 50 million euros;

5.      No criminal record;

6.      They may not hold more than 3 mandates as administrators of public enterprises;

7.      Good personal and professional reputation;

8.      Knowledge of English;

9.      Legal entities must be specialized in business administration, with an experience of minimum 5 years, and the natural person appointed as their representative must meet the criteria for natural persons.

Specific selection criteria that are considered a plus:

1.      Specialization/ Masters Degree in: management/ law/ economics;

2.      Relevant experience in the area of activity of C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A.;

3.      Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the area of activity of C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A.;

4.      Knowledge in the field of capital markets;

5.      Experience in the communication and relationship with the investors and shareholders;

6.      Relevant experience both locally and internationally;

7.      Experience in the relationship with public authorities, regulatory and supervisory authorities in the area of activity of C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A.;

8.      Experience in training, coordinating and developing teams/ personnel, and in planning succession within them;

9.      Experience in the audit, economic, accounting, financial or legal areas;

10.  Knowledge of corporate governance;

11.  Experience in corporate strategy; 

12.  Interpersonal communication skills;

13.  Legal persons shall be specialized in business administration in the area of activity of C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A., with an experience of minimum 5 years.

Rules concerning the selection process:

§    Candidates from the public institutions must meet the same selection criteria.

§   Avoiding any conflict of interest or incompatibility is a must in the selection of candidates.

§   The members of the board of supervisors cannot be at the same time members of the managing board. Also, they cannot cumulate the membership in the board of supervisors with the capacity of employee of the company.

Application documents required from natural persons:

1.      List of documents;

2.      Curriculum Vitae;

3.      "Technical bid"- where the candidates shall detail how they meet each of the criteria specified in the Announcement for selection;

4.      At least two letters of recommendation;

5.      Form no. 1: Statement on oath regarding the absence of any conflict of interest;

6.      Form no. 2: Statement on oath on whether they are „independent" or not, within the meaning of Art. 138² of Law no. 31/1990;

7.      Form no. 3: Statement on oath regarding the lack of criminal record;

8.        Form no. 4: Statement on oath under the provisions of art. 34 para. 2 let. a) b) and c) of the Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and of art. 39 of the Articles of Incorporation of CNTEE Transelectrica S.A.;

9.        Form no. 5: Statement of interest, as an annex to Form no. 5;

10.    Copy of the identity document.

Application documents required from legal entities:

1.      Presentation of the legal entity and similar projects, as detailed as possible;

2.      Documents showing the turnover achieved from the object of activity of business/company administration;

3.      Presentation of the legal representative to be appointed, accompanied by the corresponding documents required for the application of natural persons; 

4.      Certificate of criminal record and tax offence record or equivalent;

5.      Confirmation of company details or equivalent indicating the company's object of activity, the duration of the company's life, as well as the fact that the company is still operational (that it hasn't gone bankrupt or insolvent as a result of a decision issued by the syndic judge, and has not entered into an agreement with its creditors);

6.      Statement on oath regarding the absence of any conflict of interest.

The application file shall be sent as follows:

Documents requested in this announcement shall be sent by courier/ mail/ submitted with acknowledgement of receipt no later than 29.04.2016, 4:00 p.m., in hard copy, in a closed and sealed envelope, bearing the mention: „Procedura de recrutare şi selecţie pentru poziţia de membru in Consiliul de Supraveghere al C.N.T.E.E. TRANSELECTRICA S.A., Name Surname of the candidate", to the address Quest Advisors, Str. Ing. Gheorghe Balş, nr. 3, ap. 4, sector 1, Bucureşti, as well as in electronic format, to the e-mail address [email protected], no later than the same date and time set for the transmission of the envelope with documents.

All application documents requested by this announcement of selection must be submitted in hard copy.

Failure to submit or send all the requested documents within the specified time limit may entail the exclusion from the recruitment and selection procedure.

By sending  the application, the candidates grant their implicit consent that their personal data can be processed for the recruitment and selection procedure, according to the legal provisions. 

The contracting authority reserves the right to interview only the selected candidates and to end the selection process any time during the procedure.

The candidates selected for the interview may be asked to submit additional documents in order to prove their experience or professional status.

The candidates participating in the selection process shall take into consideration the fact that, as a result of the selection process, the members of the Board of Supervisors are appointed by the company's general meeting of shareholders, at the proposal of the shareholder, the Romanian State, through the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Relations with the Business Environment.

Conflict of interest statement

Independent Status statement

Statement regarding the lack of criminal record

Tehnical Bid

Statement of interest

STATEMENT on oath under the provisions of art. 34 para. 2 let. a) - c) of the Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and of art. 39 of the Articles of Incorporation of CNTEE Transelectrica S.A.;



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