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Procedures - Market for allocation of Power System Interconnections

No Market Procedure Type Procedure Content File
1 Market for Allocation of Power System Interconnections * Revizia nr. 6 a PO TEL 01.06 - Alocarea capacitatii de interconexiune a SEN cu sistemele electroenergetice vecine - in vigoare
2 Market for Allocation of Power System Interconnections * User Guide-Internal Scheduling for Market Participants
3 Market for Allocation of Power System Interconnections * User Guide for Balancing Market Participants
4 Market for Allocation of Power System Interconnections * User Guide for Cross Border Scheduling


* Documents implemented in application of the Memorandum approved by the Romanian Government following the infringement action by the European Commission through the reasoned opinion sent to Romania under art. 258 of the Treaty on European Union on incorrect and incomplete implementation of CM and Directive 2003/54/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 96/92/EC and Annex A to this. 

CM = Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity No. 770/09.11.2006;