Asset Publisher
Order no. 132/22.12.2008
amending the ANRE Order no. 63/2008 on approving the average tariff for the transmission service, the tariff for the system services, the tariff for the services delivered by the centralized market operator to the participants in the market administrated by the former and the zonal tariffs for the transmission service applied by the economic operators within the electricity sector.
Order no. 63/25.06.2008
amending the ANRE Order no. 64/2008 on approving the average tariff for the transmission service, the tariff for the system services, the tariff for the services delivered by the centralized market operator to the participants in the market administrated by the former and the zonal tariffs for the transmission service applied by the economic operators within the electricity sector.
Order no. 36/27.02.2008
on the regulated modified transit tariff applied by the transmission and system operator to the economic operators that conclude contracts for delivering services of electricity transits from/to neighboring courtiers through the Romanian Power System (RPS).
Order no. 35/14.02.2008
On amending the annex to the Order no. 64/2007 of the ANRE President on approving the average tariff for the transmission service, the tariff for the system services, the tariff for the services delivered by the centralized market operator to the participants in the market administrated by the former and the zonal tariffs for the transmission service applied by the economic operators within the electricity sector.
Order no. 64/20.12.2007
on approving the average tariff for the transmission service, the tariff for the system services, the tariff for the services delivered by the centralized market operator to the participants in the market administrated by the former and the zonal tariffs for the transmission service applied by the economic operators within the electricity sector.
Order no. 43/16.10.2007
on the regulated modified transit tariff applied by the transmission and system operator to the economic operators that conclude contracts for delivering services of electricity transits from/to neighboring courtiers through the RPS.
Order no. 44/20.12.2006
on approving the Framework Contract on delivering service of power transmission and system, services delivered by the commercial operator to the participants in the wholesale electricity market, between C.N. Transelectrica S.A. and [Customer]
Based on the Art. 9, par. (2), (6) and (7), and on Art. 11 par. (1) and par. (2) letters a), f) and i), and of Art. 53, of Art. 56 par. (1), of Art. 58 par. (3) in the Electricity Law no. 318/2003 with he later amendments, considering the Approving Note drawn up by the Prices and Tariffs department and in compliance with the procvisions of the Minutes of Meeting of the Regulation Committee of ANRE as of December 20, 2006, the ANRE President issues the following
Art. 1. Approving the Framework Contract on the delivery of the transmission service, services delivered by the commercial operator to the participants in the wholesale electricity market, between C.N. Transelectrica S.A. and [Customer] stipulated in the annex which is part and parcel of this order.
Art. 2. Romanian Power Grid Company "Transelectrica" S.A. in its position of service provider, shall conclude contracts based on the framework contract mentioned at Art. 1 with the following customers:
- generators, for the electricity delivered from the power plants with an installed capacity higher than 10 MW, connected to the power transmission and distribution gird, for the service of transmission – the component of inputting electricity in the transmission gird;
- generators/suppliers, for the transmission service - the component of inputting electricity in the transmission gird in the condition of importing electricity ;
- suppliers / distribution operators for the transmission service – the component of taking over electricity from the transmission grid, including the cases of exporting electricity;
- generators / suppliers for the transmission service – the component of taking over electricity from the transmission grid in the cases of exporting electricity;
- suppliers / distribution operators for the system services and for the services delivered by the commercial operator to the participants in the wholesale electricity market;
- suppliers / distribution operators for the system services and for the services delivered by the commercial operator to the participants in the wholesale electricity market in the cases of exporting electricity;
- eligible consumers that, on the date of this Order issuing, had signed the electricity transmission contracts – the component of delivering and/or taking over electricity from the power transmission grid, as the case may be, system services and for the services delivered by the commercial operator to the participants in the wholesale electricity market.
Art. 3. This Order will be published in the Official Gazette, Part I and enter into force startinf from January 1st, 2007.
Art. 4. On the date of this Order entering into force, the ANRE President's Order no. 40/2004 on approving the Framework Contract on delivering service of power transmission and system, and of wholesale electricity market administration, between C.N. Transelectrica S.A. and [Customer], published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 1,271 of December 29th, 2004, is canceled.
Art. 5. Romanian Power Grid Company "Transelectrica" S.A and the participants in the electricity market shall observe the provision thereof.
Art. 6. The specialty departments of ANRE shall monitor the observance of this Order provisions.