Asset Publisher

8. Required Transparency of Balancing and Ancillary Services

- CM = Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003;
- GGP = Guidelines of Good Practice on Information Management and Transparency in Electricity Markets Ref: E05-EMK-06-10 2 August 2006
- CC =  Electricity Wholesale Market Commercial Code - No. 25/22.10.2004


No Information Details File Observations
1 Offers on BM hourly values, for each BMP Daily Offers 2024
Daily Offers 2024
Daily Offers 2024
Daily Offers 2021_2022_2023
Standing Offers
2 The volume of energy and the price of unintentional exchanges Financial Settlement Of Kf, ACE And Ramping Period (FSKAR) monthly FSKAR (CET time)
3 Estimated deficit and surplus prices on balancing market calculated based on selected energy Hourly values

Daily Reports- Balancing market

Please see excel and archive.

Data published since 01.04.2013

Official values used for settlement are those published on the OPCOM website

Daily Reports- Balancing market

Please see excel and archive.

Data published since 01.04.2013

Official values used for settlement are those published on the OPCOM website

4 Maximum /minimum prices accepted for the selected balancing energy for each dispatching interval
CC d)
- separately on each type of regulation and direction Daily Reports - Balancing market
Starting with 01.09.2020 are published only maximum prices for up direction and minimum prices for down direction separately on each type of regulation

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

Link Platforma de transparență ENTSO-E

Secțiunea Balancing/Prices of Activated Balancing Energy

Daily Reports - Balancing market
Starting from 01.07.2024 data will be available in the public section of the DAMAS II platform

Damas link

Balancing/Prices of Activated Balancing Energy

5 Marginal prices for the balancing energy corresponding to the upward /downward secondary regulation
CC c)
Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting from 01.07.2024 data will be available in the public section of the DAMAS II platform.

ENTSO-E link

Balancing/Prices of Activated Balancing Energy

DAMAS link

Balancing Market Section

(Plese use Internet Explorer to access Damas platform)

6 Final transactions on BM -hourly values, separated for each BMP, regulation type and direction Final transactions for congestion management are marked as "CMNG" and substitution transactions as "Inlocuitoare"
7 Committed transactions on BM - hourly values, separated for each BMP, regulation type and direction Committed transactions for congestion management are marked as "CMNG" and virtual transactions are marked as "Virtual"
8 Relevant information necessary for Balancing Market's participants
CM Annex 5.7
- registration
- withdrawal, revocation, suspension
- user guide / obligations and rights
-operational procedures
Balancing Market
9 The available secondary band, immediately after the final verification of the daily offers for the delivery day
CC b)
Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

ENTSO-E link

Balancing/Accepted Offers and Activated Balancing Reserves

10 Total volume of selected balancing energy during each dispatching interva,l for the system balancing
CC a)
- separately on each type of regulation and direction Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

ENTSO-E link

Balancing/Accepted Offers and Activated Balancing Reserves

12 Forecast margin, i.e. the difference between scheduled available generation and the forecast withdrawals on the grid (forecast load plus the net exportations scheduled)
GGP 1.5
- hourly values Daily Reports - Balancing market
13 Available balancing energy corresponding to the fast and slow tertiary regulation, immediately after the final verification of the daily offers for the delivery day - hourly values Daily Reports - Balancing market

ENTSO-E link

Balancing/Accepted Offers and Activated Balancing Reserves

14 Total volume of selected balancing energy, during each dispatching interval, for internal congestion management
CC b)
- separately on each type of regulation and direction Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

15 Estimated system imbalance for each DI ENTSO-E link, Balancing/Imbalance/Tab Area
16 Total national electricity consumption corresponding to the balance responsible parties' physical notifications
CC b i)
Daily Reports - Balancing market

Starting with 01.02.2021, the daily reports data on 15 min resolution, are available in the excel.

17 Relevant information necessary for Ancillary Services Market's participants - registration
- withdrawal, revocation, suspension
- auction guide / obligations and rights
- operational procedures
Ancillary Services Market
18 Quantity of ancillary services and network losses, necessary for the TSO, according with the regulations in force - separately on type of reserve, day, market time unit Daily Reports - Balancing market
network losses
(network losses) Archive
19 Quantity of ancillary services and network losses, requested by the TSO on the market
CC a)
- separately on type of reserve, day, market time unit STS Auctions
STS Auctions Archive(Ancillary Services Market)
CPT (network losses)
CPT ‘s (network losses) Archive
20 Quantity of ancillary services and network losses procured by the TSO (through regulated contracts and auction)
CC b)
- quantities per type of reserve, day, market time unit, participant
- prices
Arhiva STS
STS Auctions
STS Auctions Archive (Ancillary Services Market)
CPT (network losses)
CPT ‘s (network losses) Archive
21 Necessary reserves not covered, for each type of regulation, published immediately after final validation of the delivery day offers - separately on type of reserve, day, market time unit Work in progress
22 Synthesis of data resulting from monitoring the Balancing Market - General remarks
- The balance generation/consumption (average monthly generated power, actual internal gross consumption, standard deviation of physical notifications and consumption forecast against the actual consumption)
- Balancing energy (energy, average power, percentage from internal gross consumption)
- Balancing energy's cost/income
-Traded energy volume on DAM (energy, average power, percentage from internal gross consumption)
-Selected /delivered quantities and prices separately on type of regulation
-Monitoring indicators (C1, C3, HHI,NPS)
Monthly Monitoring Reports for Balancing Market
Offers and transactions of BM participants, according to ANRE Ordinance 33/30.08.2012, Art.4 and to ANRE Ordinance 60/02.08.2013, Art.7
23 Synthesis of data resulting from monitoring the Ancillary Services Market - General remarks
- Per reserve type (secondary regulation on / off peak,fast tertiary regulation,slow tertiary regulation,network losses, capacity reserve): requested, contracted, realized and not realized quantities, available regulation energy (average, min., max.), average prices, penalties for unfulfilled contracts, total costs of ancillary services, monitoring indicators (C1, C3, HHI)
Monthly Monitoring Reports for Ancillary Services Market
24 BM Reduced power - according to ANRE Ordinance 33/2012 and to ANRE Ordinance 60/2013 Reason, reduced power, producer name, location
25 Situatia rezervelor tehnologice de sistem calificate - separat pentru grupuri termo si hidro
26 Limite de prețuri din ofertele zilnice - Interval de tranzacţionare Limite de preţuri (până la 31.08.2020 inclusiv)

Link Damas

Secțiunea Balancing Market

(Vă rugăm să utilizați Internet Explorer pentru a accesa platforma Damas)