Asset Publisher

Capacity Allocation Market- Auction Data


Long Term Auction Calendar:


For 2024

For Borders Romania-Serbia

Yearly Auction calendar for 2024

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2024


For Border Romania-Moldavia

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2024


For Borders Romania-Hungary and Romania-Bulgaria

Auction calendar for 2024: Please see the JAO website(



For 2023

For Borders Romania-Serbia and Romania-Ukraine

Yearly Auction calendar for 2023

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2023

For border Romania-Ukraine allocations are suspened


For Borders Romania-Hungary and Romania-Bulgaria

Auction calendar for 2023: Please see the JAO website(



For 2022

For Borders Romania-Serbia and Romania-Ukraine

Yearly Auction calendar for 2022

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2022

For border Romania-Ukraine allocations are suspened


For Borders Romania-Hungary and Romania-Bulgaria

Auction calendar for 2022: Please see the JAO website(



For 2021

For Borders Romania-Serbia and Romania-Ukraine

Yearly Auction calendar for 2021

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2021


For Borders Romania-Hungary and Romania-Bulgaria

Auction calendar for 2021: Please see the JAO website(



For 2020

For Borders Romania-Serbia and Romania-Ukraine

Yearly Auction calendar for 2020

Monthly Auctions calendar for 2020


For Borders Romania-Hungary and Romania-Bulgaria

Auction calendar for 2020: Please see the JAO website(