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National technical norms/Methodologies related to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/631 implementation
Implementation Program - stages participants (ANRE link - terms and reforms adopted)
Working form of the technical norms:
· Technical Norm: "Technical conditions for the connection to the public electricity networks for synchronous generators"
Discussion schedule of the norm including received comments and the response to them:
· February 27, 2017 - meeting with Distribution System Operators (DSOs) for agreeing values
· March 13, 2017 - workshop with all stakeholders
· April 26, 2017 - meeting with neighboring TSOs - agenda
Dissemination of information through conferences in which the debate code takes place:
· Technical meeting Ministry of Energy - ANRE - DSO - TSO - 08/10/2016 11:00 – Bucharest
- Documents presented:
- Presentation of the Regulation (EU) 631 2016
· 9th edition of the Conference "Energy Day Brasov - 23/09/2016-Brasov
- Documents presented:
- Presentation of the "Implications of pan european codes in system connection"
· Technical meeting organized by ANRE and Polytechnic University of Bucharest - 06/10/2016 – Bucharest
- Contact address for filing applications of framing in emerging technologies:
- Documents presented:
- Presentation - "Technical requirements for generating / producing installations with installed capacity below 1 MW";
- Romanian Academy Presentation: "Emerging technologies for valorisation of the renewable energy sources";
- ANRE Presentation: "Emerging Technologies and EU Regulation no. 631/2016 establishing a network code on grid connection requirements for the generating installations"
- Presentation of National Institute for Research & Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA - R & D Directions;
- FDEE Distribution - Electrica Muntenia Nord presentation: "The implementation degree of renewable energy production in the FDEE Distribution - Electrica Muntenia Nord ".
· National Symposium of Computer Science, Automation and Telecommunications Energy SIE 2016 - October 26 to 28, 2016, Sinaia
- Documents presented:
NRA Orders:
- Order NRA no. 79/16.11.2016 for the approval of the classification of power-generating modules and power park modules
- Order NRA no. 05/08.02.2017 for the approval of the criteria for granting derogations for power-generating modules and power park modules from the obligation to meet one or more of the requirements of the technical norm for connection
- Order NRA no. 72/02.08.2017 approving the technical norm on the technical requirements to connect synchronous power generating modules to public electrical grids
- Order NRA no. 214/19.12.2018 amending and supplementing Order no. 72/2017 of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority approving the technical norm on the technical requirements to connect synchronous power generating modules to public electrical grids
- Order NRA no. 208/14.12.2018 approving the technical norm on the technical requirements to connect power generating modules, power plants modules and offshore park modules to public electrical grids