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7. Required Transparency of Generation
Legend: |
- CM = Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003; |
- GGP = Guidelines of Good Practice on Information Management and Transparency in Electricity Markets Ref: E05-EMK-06-10 2 August 2006 |
- CC = Electricity Wholesale Market Commercial Code - No. 25/22.10.2004 |
No | Information | Details | File | Observations |
1 | Day-ahead generation forecast per control area CM Annex Chap.5.7 CC b) | - hourly values - gross/net values | ||
2 | Week-ahead generation forecast per control area CM Annex Chap.5.7 | - hourly values - gross/net values | ||
3 | Month-ahead generation forecast per control area CM Annex Chap.5.7 | - hourly values | ||
4 | Year-ahead generation forecast per control area CM Annex Chap.5.7 | - monthly average values | ||
5 | Ex-post information on planned and unplanned outages of generation units larger than 100 MW CM Anexa 5.5 i), 5.8 | - power plant name - unit name - technology type - location - start and stop date of the outages - installed capacity - maximum available power on the balancing market - unavailable capacity - type of outage (planned/unplanned) - observation | In situatia nefunctionarii va rugam sa accesati datele pe platforma EMFIP. In case of technical issues please access the EMFIP platform. | |
6 | Ex-ante information on planned outages of generation units larger than 100 MW CM Annex 5.5 i) GGP 3.2 | - power plant name - unit name - technology type - location - start and stop date of the planned outages - installed capacity, - maximum available power on the balancing market - unavailable capacity - type of outage (planned/unplanned) - observation | ||
7 | Day-ahead forecast of electricity delivered by undispatchable units CM Annex 5.7 | - Daily Reports - Balancing market | ||
8 | Forecast and actual intermittent generation (e.g. wind) GGP 3.6 | |||
9 | Ex ante information on the planned unavailability of significant consumption units (units larger than or equal to 100MW) GGP 3.3 | - unit name - start and stop date of the unavailability - installed capacity - unavailable capacity - observation | ||
10 | Ex post information on the planned/unplanned unavailability of significant consumption units (units larger than or equal to 100MW) GGP 3.8 | - unit name - start and stop date of the unavailability - installed capacity - unavailable capacity - observation | ||
11 | Filling rate of the water reservoirs in an aggregated form, in terms of percentage of the 100% filling GGP 3.5 | |||
12 | Total and available installed generation capacity for each dispatchable unit, per primary sources of energy GGP 3.1, CC b) | - power plant name - unit name - location - technology type - installed capacity - available power -observations - gross/net values | Updated for 01.01.2025 | |
- net values, aggregated per primary sources of energy | ||||
13 | Total and available installed generation capacity aggregated for all undispatchable units, per primary sources of energy GGP 3.1, CC b) | - Gross/net values | Updated for 01.01.2025 | |
14 | Foreseeable aggregated evolution of total and available installed generation capacity for the next 3 and up to 10 years (including information on the type of generation from new projects, planned mothballing or dismantling) GGP 3.1, CC b) | - Evolution for the next min 3 following years | ||
15 | Appraisals for new power plants connection to the power transmission grid | |||
16 | Contracts for new power plants connection to the power transmission grid | |||
17 | Ex post information on actual generation GGP 3.9 CC a) | - Hourly average values (total and per primary sources of energy) | Daily actual generation | |
- Aggregated per primary sources of energy (real time) | System status | |||
- Daily average value (and separately per primary sources of energy) | Operational reports 2010 Previous years can be viewed in Chapter System Load ,section1 | |||
- Monthly average values | ||||
18 | Ex ante aggregated information on the scheduled generation per control area GGP 3.4 CC a) | - Per market time unit | Daily Reports - Balancing market | |
20 | Total installed and available generation capacity, per primary sources of energy | Gross valuess | Updated for 01.01.2025 | |